5 Spring Cleaning Tips for Cullman

Cullman values their homes, and understands just how much work needs to be done to maintain them. Spring cleaning is difficult to get started, but necessary for a healthy lifestyle (and even rewarding once you’re done.)

1. First Things First 

Don’t limit yourself right off the bat by not taking the time to set up everything you need. It’s not going to motivate you when you realize you can’t remember where you put the feather duster that cleans the ceiling fans. Put everything you need right in front of you before you start. 

2. Up, Down and Around  

Start at the top so anything that falls to the ground gets cleaned up last. When you’re going around a room, start with the cleanest parts of your home so you’re not pushing the bacteria around as you move. 

3. Learning to Purge 

It’s going to be rough, because everything you’ve kept, you’ve kept for a reason. However, you can still preserve your memories without letting your home become storage for everything you might have accumulated over time. Speaking of storage facilities, you can always invest in one if you can’t bring yourself to toss it. 

4. The Fabric Of Our Lives

Starting with your closet can actually be your best chance of finishing the rest of the project. These are often the messiest places in the house, so seeing it organized again can be enough of a boost to keep going. 

5. Entire Protection for Your Home

Insurance Solutions Inc. wants everyone in Cullman, AL to enjoy a dust and germ-free experience when they’re at home, but total safety calls for total coverage. Give us a call today when you need a quote or even if you need answers about your current policy and how you can improve it.