Call an Independent Insurance Agent When Moving in with a New Roommate

Anytime you move, there are lots of tasks to be done. Packing, unpacking, switching your utilities and forwarding your mail are just a few of the things you must see to. One additional item that should be on your to-do list anytime you move, including when you move in with a new roommate, is to call an independent insurance agent who sells renters insurance.

Your Insurance Needs Might Change

Whenever you move, your insurance needs may change. For instance, selling old furniture and purchasing new furnishings could change the amount of personal property coverage you need. Additionally, you might want to buy more or less liability coverage, medical payments coverage or loss of use coverage.

You should always have a renters insurance policy that meets all of your needs, so it’s important to review your coverage each time you move. If your current policy isn’t adequate after your move, you’ll need to shop around for a new policy. Unfortunately, you can’t simply rely on your roommate’s insurance to provide you with the additional coverage you need, because their policy likely won’t cover you.

Independent Insurance Agents Can Help

Assessing your insurance needs, reviewing your policy and shopping for a new one can be challenging on your own. Independent insurance agents, however, are trained and licensed to help people with precisely these tasks. Calling them every time you move is an easy way to quickly review your policy and shop for a new one, if one is needed. It’s the simplest way to make sure you’re always properly protected.

If you’ve recently moved to a new apartment in Cullman, AL and haven’t talked with a renters insurance agent who is licensed in Alabama, contact us at Insurance Solutions Inc. We have independent insurance agents who can help you. To get in touch with them, reach us through our website.