How To Clean Your Al Home Faster

Cleaning your home can be one of the most tedious chores. Your Alabama home can benefit from a variety of different cleaning hacks, and as soon as you learn these, you may be able to speed up the task of cleaning your home tremendously.

When you are cleaning your stove, it can seem like a nonstop chore. You have grease splatters and various other things that are hard to get off. The next time you have cleaned your stove, use car wax on the flat surface and this will help to provide a protective coat so that everything will wipe off easier. When you have grills over the burners, you can also soak them in ammonia and water inside of a Ziploc bag for a few hours.

Dusting throughout your home can be easier using a lint roller. This can be used on lampshades, tables, bookshelves, and much more. When you are trying to get hair off of your furniture, you can also use duct tape.

Whatever you are cleaning your blinds, use a combination of distilled white vinegar and water. Mist the blinds in a closed position with the solution and then use an old sock to wipe them down.

When you are cleaning the dust boards in your home, you can use a dryer sheet. This will help the dust and dirt to cling to it, and protect the boards from gathering so much dust in the future.

You should always be looking for ways to keep your home looking its best. By utilizing some of these cleaning hacks, your home can look gorgeous and you don’t have to exhaust yourself with countless chores.

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