Deer And Motorcycles: What You Need To Know

When you are on your motorcycle, you want to be as safe as possible. During deer season, the last thing you want to do is hit a deer on a motorcycle or eight deer collisions can pose a serious risk, and there are a few things you need to know.

Particularly in the early evening, dear move around the most. This is when you want to keep your eyes open, especially when the sun is low. If you are always on the lookout, it will be easier to avoid a collision if they are on the road.

If you see one deer, you are likely going to see more. Deer often travel in herds, so look for white tails as well as animal eyes in the road as well as around the shoulder.

You should have a helmet, even if it is not required in your city. This can protect you significantly in the event of a collision. There are many types of helmets, and you should find one that offers a retention system as well as comfort padding and a hard outer shell.

If you do encounter deer during your ride, the last thing you want to do is swerve to try and missed the deer. The best thing to do is brake hard – and if you have an antilock braking system, it can provide you with better control when you do need to stop quickly.

It is also a good idea to communicate with other bikers in the area. They may be able to tell you where some of the most recent deer spotting has been so that you can keep a closer eye out.

Call and talk to our agents at Insurance Solutions Inc. to learn more about auto insurance. We can keep you safe on your motorcycle in Cullman and throughout Alabama.